Friday 9 December 2011

Video Game Are Violent & Will Make You Lazy

Violent video games  such as GTA can alter the brain in just one week and make players more aggressive, this is fine but the problem is that often little kids play this kind of games and the games cause them to build  a lot of aggression. A study has found that key areas in the brain suffer reduced activity, and leave it physically altered. Other researches have also have shown  that some other games are also violent and they cause aggression in little kids. This kind of games also make people lazy because they get into the game too much and they don't do stuff like thir homework. My opinion is that it videos do make you violent. To back uo my answer me and my cousin were playing GTA and he got cought by the police and he started screaming and he punched the TV.

1 comment:

  1. this is a very good and well thought trew but it is s bit not good because you need to write a bit more lol
