Friday 25 November 2011


  • The gene of my film would be Horror
  • The age rating for my film would be 15
  • The target audience for my film would be teenagers over 15 that enjoy being scared and that enjoy the adrenalin of  horror movies. The target audience could also be people who like movies such as "Paranormal Activity" and "FEAR"
  • The film would be set in a abandoned house where kidnapped people would be turned into vampires or were-wolfs. This setting is good because is inside a building and that is where are the most settings of famous horror movies
  • The main characters would be the king of vampires- longest teeth has the power to chance people to vampires,king of were-wolf, and a vampire/werewolf slayer.


  1. Nice Idea Petar Balabanov, i think you film poster should have the house in the middle and the title infront of the house,(maybe coming out the door) you couls have vampires on the right, werewolves on the left and slayers in the top middle, you may need to improve on adding more details about the setting, characters and costumes

  2. Thanks for the comment Nader Antar

  3. good ideas, you have put good details about what the film will be like,i think your film poster will contain blood, the background will be red and black background because the genre is horror!

  4. Very Nice idea.I think you should explain what will the character be..from the poor family or rich....or he got abandoned.
