Tuesday 1 November 2011

My Analysed Documed

>Advert Nike Shoe Course Work

1 comment:

  1. Very good work Petar. You could add in even more detail to get higher marks. Some suggestions for improvements:
    * You mention the lighting is coming from inside the shoe. What does this suggest about the shoe to the audience?
    * You mention the "back street" style font and how this suggests the product is aimed at teenagers which is very good. Apart from their age, what else does it suggest about the target audience? Does it signify a particular style, hobby, personality etc?
    * You mention that you have included the Nike logo as it is a famous brand. Why is having a famous brand logo on your advert important? What effect will it have on how the audience view your product?

    Try adding these in to your Word Document and uploading it a second time as an "improved version" so we can see the improvements made.
    Your current grade for the analysis is as follows:

